Royal Pink or Pink Royal, or “The King Among Hybrids” is a strain created through a cross of the infamous strains Afghani & Skunk #1. This insanely powerful bud boasts an intense THC level that typically falls above the 25% mark and a myriad of impressively potent indica effects. The high starts in the head with a hazy cerebral rush that leaves you insanely uplifted and euphoric but with a distant introspective feeling that rids the mind of any racing thoughts or pain. This head high slowly begins to ebb throughout the body, leaving you in a state of utter relaxation and drowsiness that slowly creeps up on you before hitting you like a brick wall. The comedown almost always leads to a deep and peaceful sleep that lasts for hours on end without interruption. Because of these often overpowering effects, Royal Pink is said to be perfect for treating chronic stress, nausea, chronic pain, insomnia, and mild to moderate cases of depression.
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